
All health information provided on Dualist.com.au is general in nature and is provided for information purposes only. The information contained on this site should not be used to diagnose or treat psychological conditions, nor should it be used as an alternative to obtaining psychological advice from a qualified counsellor, psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist or medical practitioner. Please consult with Dualist or another health care provider to source direct information relevant to your situation. Dualist does not accept liability for any loss or damage associated with the use of this site.

This site may contain links to third party sites. The existence of these links is not to be construed as an endorsement by Dualist as to the accuracy or quality of the information or services provided by these third party sites and we do not accept liability for any loss or damaged associated with the use of these third party sites.

Privacy policy:

Dualist is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 which ensures the privacy of individuals using the website.

Collection of information:
All information collected by Dualist is done so on a voluntary basis. Information can be gathered via telephone, email, mail, fax, or through our website.
Promotional material may be supplied about new products, promotions and other relevant information, however, it is possible to opt out of this information.

Storage of collected information:
Security of stored information is paramount to us. We follow the Australian Psychological Society (APS) accepted industry standard in order to protect the information that is provided to us.
If you have any questions about our security on the website, please contact us at info@Dualist.com.au.

Changes to the privacy policy:
Changes to the privacy policy will be made public on the homepage and other areas on the website in order to be transparent of how information we gathered is used. We reserve the right to modify and change the privacy policy at any time, so please review this frequently.

Quality of the website:
Dualist cannot guarantee that the website and its contents will be error-free or uninterrupted. Additionally, we cannot ensure that the files and third-party downloads from the website will be free of viruses or other destructive material. Delivery of video and other internet based communications, such as emails, cannot be guaranteed due to the dependency of third party providers and is therefore outside the control of Dualist.

Intellectual property:
Copyright of this website (including its content, materials, lesson content, lesson exercises, text, graphics, logos, icons, sound recordings, video recordings, software and advertisements) is owned or licensed by Dualist. All rights are reserved by Dualist.